To: Marine Point retail Premises association

Marine Lake section funding

This campaign has ended.

Identify the person responsible for the Marine Point retail park in order that I can collect subscriptions from retailers to assist the Marine Lake users to continue to do their work. This is independent from the New Brighteners, inasmuch as this concerns business premises surrounding the Marine lake, and of interest to Marine Lake users. A separate fund will be set up, after discussion, to collect and administrate said monies.

Why is this important?

The work the New Brighteners do is important (as our recent award shows) environmentally, as well as Socially and Commercially. Although the Marine section is a wing of the New Brighteners, a separate fund will be set up to dissociate this project from the funded New Brighteners.
Our litter picking makes New Brighton a safe place to come, ensuring a pleasant and safe environment, as well as improving the Commercial aspect of Marine Point, (footfall) a major new development in New Brighton. My particular job is to clear the rubbish form the Marine Lake, a definite health hazard prior to my commencing my work here.

How it will be delivered

After agreement with the interested parties, by Email.

New Brighton, Wallasey, Wirral

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