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To: Boris Johnson and HS2 Ltd

NHS not HS2

Stop work on this 110 billion white elephant that most people won't be able to afford travelling on the train! Stop cutting down trees in nesting season, killing bats and badger's. Stop assaulting peaceful protesters. Scrap the HS2 and use the money on giving our NHS heroes a pay rise, bolster the hospitals with the latest technology, PPE and uniforms. In preparation for the next pandemic.

Why is this important?

I'm an environmental activist and I care about the destruction of numerous ancient woodlands, wiping out habitats and wildlife along the route. I care about the NHS, who have lacked funding and many cut backs from the tory government. The HS2 will cost at least 110 billion, this needs to stop now as we are entering the worst recession in our history.



2020-06-27 09:10:47 +0100

10 signatures reached