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To: Residents of Bognor and Littlehampton and nearby areas

Nick Gibb MP Watch..we need more climate action

Who Are We? Nick Gibb MP Watch is a campaign turning the spotlight on Nick Gibb’s failure of supporting local people on the climate crisis and pollution, and the cost-of-living crisis. We don’t represent any political party, nor are we from any one background and you can join us too!
Nick Gibb is likely to keep his seat at the next election, but we need him to take more action to protect the planet. We know 80% of us are concerned about the increasing climate disaster and are concerned about the minimal Government response. So we ask, who does Mr Gibb represent? We know Mr Gibb has help many constituents, but we need help to fight the climate disaster.
Sign this petition to try and persuade Nick Gibb to act more honestly on the climate, and protect the future of our children as best we can.

Why is this important?

We need action on the climate. Locally, this would include slower road speeds and a Dutch style cycle network to encourage us to all to walk and cycle more. Nationally, this would include reducing our car size and use dramatically, improve public transport, eliminating fossil fuels and investments, basing all Council Government decision of the principle of what would reduce our footprint most, dramatically reducing our concrete use and spending on new products, and building a sustainable economy.

Bognor Regis and Littlehampton, Bognor Regis BN17 5RX, UK

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2023-08-19 17:31:01 +0100

10 signatures reached