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To: Parliament

No Confidence

Inasmuch as the current government have split both themselves and the country down the middle, they can no longer be seen to be competent to continue in government. It is time to demand they stand down and that we have a fresh election for a new government.

Why is this important?

The referendum was called purely as a sop to various conservative members of parliament and their voters, who hinted they would join UKIP.

It has cost the country a huge amount of money, time and energy for what is in effect an internal party problem.

The government and its supporters are now split in a most acrimonious way, and can not pretend to be a functioning government.

After the results are announced, whichever way they fall, there will be in-fighting within this party of government and a lack of concentration on the needs of the nation. They will have a large percentage of the population seriously disgruntled with what result there is.

We, the people, must demand a fresh government, through a democratic election, and not through various internal oustings of existing holders of office.

Great Britain

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2016-06-29 19:28:31 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-06-29 15:53:52 +0100

10 signatures reached