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To: Jeremy Corbyn

No confidence in Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Labour Party

Please resign as Leader of the Labour Party. You have good principles and you are a caring person but lack the leadership qualities to take Labour forward to win the next General Election.

Why is this important?

Following the Brexit vote we need a Labour Government with a strong leader to ensure that all those who live in and work in the UK whatever their origin get the lives and rights that they deserve.

This petition has been started by a member of public and not 38 Degrees. 38 Degrees is a non-party political organisation, with no links to any political parties. If there's a campaign that you'd like to run why not start your own petition here:



2016-06-27 12:32:33 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-06-27 09:15:55 +0100

10 signatures reached