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To: Prime Minister and Cabinet.

No knighthood or peerage for Boris

Boris Johnson showed how little respect he has for the King when he did not bow to him as he passed by on his Coronation.
How can he be considered for a knighthood or peerage when he cannot show his respect for the King who would present him with either.

Why is this important?

There is enough problems in this country with people being unable to navigate the cost of living crisis. A disgraced PM and MP should not be handed an award, especially when he does not show any respect for the Monarch he is supposed to serve.

Boris Johnson is a proven liar. He has shown that he has no respect for anyone, not his wives, children, colleagues and especially not the UK public. What impression does it give to the UK population if a person of such low character is given an award for being such a disgrace?

Is it not even more of a disgrace if that person has publicly demonstrated they lack respect for the Monarchy itself?
How can they be considered for ennoblement when they lack enough respec for the King, they consider bowing to him as beneath their dignity.
His wife curtsied to the King and Queen yet Boris Johnson barely nodded to the Queen and ignored the King entirely.

What message would it provide to the UK public for such an act to be ignored in the face of anti monarchy sentiment. It would paint a picture that His Majesty's Government itself considers insults to the Monarch to be acceptable. Is that the message the Government wishes to present?
Is the Government putting out the message that they accept the role of the Monarchy no longer has a place in the UK, so much so that they support insults from Government ministers to the King. Not in words but in lack of deeds.

I believe that if the government were to have the footage of the coronation analysed, they would find that Boris Johnson did not voice the oath of allegiance either. Such is my faith in his lack of respect.



2023-08-05 09:04:52 +0100

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