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Please stop War Pensions being means tested for benefits.
Why is this important?
I keep hearing of brave veterans being left with only £10 of their War Pensions after being means tested.
The rest of the basic War Pension, after this first £10, is counted as income when the Department for Work and Pensions calculates what level of means-tested benefits to pay and affects veteran's benefits and is, therefore, lost.
Benefits affected are such as Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance or pension credit.
This is basically and morally wrong. The government work out how much you need to live on, but this pension should not be counted. These men and women fought and put their lives on the line to allow us to live safe lives today. Please don't take that well earned pension away from them, which also takes away their faith in this country and make them wonder why they bothered in the first place.
Leave them some dignity and keep off their War Pensions.
The rest of the basic War Pension, after this first £10, is counted as income when the Department for Work and Pensions calculates what level of means-tested benefits to pay and affects veteran's benefits and is, therefore, lost.
Benefits affected are such as Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance or pension credit.
This is basically and morally wrong. The government work out how much you need to live on, but this pension should not be counted. These men and women fought and put their lives on the line to allow us to live safe lives today. Please don't take that well earned pension away from them, which also takes away their faith in this country and make them wonder why they bothered in the first place.
Leave them some dignity and keep off their War Pensions.