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To: Interim chief executive of Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust


Dear Mr Hill,

We call on you to withdraw from membership of the South West Employers Pay Consortium. Please reject any plans to cut staff pay and conditions through any new regional pay framework that operates outside of the national Agenda for Change agreement.

Why is this important?

The consortium – which includes Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust – aims to cut pay for nurses, doctors and other healthcare staff by up to 15 per cent at a time of unprecedented change and financial pressures in the health service
A total of 20 trusts across the south west are ploughing £200,000 into the cartel in an attempt to introduce radical changes to pay and conditions through a regional pay system.
The proposals – which could include making staff work longer hours with less annual leave and smaller pay packets – would undermine the national pay system that provides a fair and transparent system and ensures health managers anywhere in the country can recruit staff with the right skills and experience to give patients the right care.
The proposals will be bad for staff morale and have an adverse knock-on effect for patient care. It will damage recruitment at the hospital and cause staff instability as fewer people are attracted to work in a low pay zone.
With a workforce of 4,000 at Salisbury, lower local pay will also hit the local economy.

Salisbury, United Kingdom

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2017-08-30 16:58:50 +0100

100 signatures reached