To: Politicians

None of the Above

Add a box called "None of the above" to every ballot paper for every election in the UK, local and national.

Why is this important?

Because it would force every person in public office in the country to REALLY listen to the constituents and REALLY strive to serve.

I vote, and always have done since turning 18, because I believe that it is our civic duty and that if one doesn't vote one can't complain. However, more and more one sees politicians full of fine words and no action, who do not listen and who follow their own agendas, and who punish the poor and benefit themselves and the nation's rich.

Spoiling a ballot paper is not an option as it is not registered as a protest, and a protest vote for a 'loony' party such as ukip is clearly not sensible, so "None of the above" would send a clear message that we are not happy with the status quo and force change.

Thank you.