1,000 signatures reached
To: David Brown Managing Director, Arriva Rail North (Northern)

We call on you as a proud signatory since 2017 to the Living Wage Foundation Charter to ensure that all non direct employees working on Northern stations as Revenue and Gate line security staff are immediately paid the Living Wage Foundation's recommended rate of £9.00 per hour.These dedicated staff work for you in Northern branded uniforms protecting your income and helping passengers. They deserve nothing less than a fair day's pay for a hard day's work. We call on you to pay them the real Living Wage now.
Why is this important?
The real Living Wage, which has cross party support, is an hourly rate which is set independently and updated every year. It is calculated according to the real costs of living in the UK and employers choose to pay the Living Wage on a voluntary basis. There are currently over 5,000 accredited employers. The Living Wage Charter commitment sees all employees of a company, regardless of whether they are direct employees or third-party contracted staff; receive a minimum hourly wage of £9.00 in the UK. Both these rates are significantly higher than the statutory minimum for over 25's of £8.21 per hour or £7.70 for under 25's introduced in April 2019. Give them the dignity and respect of a real Living Wage now.