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To: Brenda Dacres, Mayor of Lewisham

“Nothing about us without us”. Lewisham parents & carers say stop the cuts at Drumbeat Outreach

We urge you to:
1.        Ask Drumbeat School to suspend the consultation that will cut half of Drumbeat Outreach staff.
2.        Require all relevant parties to explain the precise details of these cuts, and what alternatives they have explored to avoid them.
3.        Hold a public session to explain the rationale for the cuts and take questions from those who will be affected by them.

Why is this important?

We are parents and carers of autistic children and young people in Lewisham who have been supported by Drumbeat Outreach over recent years.
We recently found out that Drumbeat Outreach are subject to a consultation with a view to an overall loss of around half of its skilled team. We understand some staff will be offered roles within Drumbeat School but many are facing redundancy if the proposed restructure goes ahead. We have heard that around half of the team will be lost.
Drumbeat Outreach is a service of which Lewisham should be proud. Our children and young people and our families have been supported by Drumbeat Outreach in countless ways. 
Firstly, their work in schools has led to tangible changes in the way our children are understood and their needs supported. Their unique model of working with both families and schools gives them an insight into challenges and an ability to suggest adaptations and solutions that no-one else has. They understand school policies, build strong relationships with school teams, and support parents and schools to work together constructively. They have intervened promptly at crucial points in our children’s lives, are able to follow and support them as they journey through the school system. As parents and carers, we know what a difference their input has made to ensuring our children access education and reach their potential.
Secondly, their parent workshops have provided us with timely advice and expertise to better support our own children. Drumbeat Outreach workshops speak to our realities and challenges, giving us evidence-based solutions and support. Over time, these workshops have covered an unparalleled breadth of issues of relevance to our children and our lives, delivered with a depth of knowledge and expertise that others simply do not have.
Thirdly, Drumbeat Outreach run and support many other activities that support and inspire us. These include their coffee mornings for Black and dual heritage families, a podcast, a youth advocates network, a Dads’ group, their sessions for grandparents. Taken together, these activities have improved our children’s mental health, wellbeing and sense of pride in who they are and helped strengthen our families and wider support networks.
If you ask us parents and carers of autistic children and young people in Lewisham what service has helped them in understanding and supporting their children’s needs, their education, mental health and their futures, a large number of them would single out Drumbeat Outreach. They are uniquely trusted by families from across Lewisham’s diverse communities and this trust has been built over many years by skilled and committed professionals.
In the light of the news about cuts, a number of us have written to Councillors, Council staff and Drumbeat School to ask for more information about the plans and to express our concern about any reduction in the Outreach service. The responses we have received give little clarity about the rationale for these drastic cuts, and have confused us further. We are surprised to learn that Councillors in relevant roles appear not to have known anything about these planned cuts. 
Lewisham’s Autism Strategy commits to ensuring “specialised support, training, advice and signposting to all stakeholders involved in the care, education and effective inclusion of autistic children and young people in order to create a community that provides equality of provision and life chances, supports independence, champions autonomy and promotes acceptance of difference/neurodiversity”. How will this be achieved with a halved Drumbeat Outreach service?
The Autism Strategy also states its first key principle is “Nothing about us without us”, yet families who will be affected by these cuts have not been consulted and are not being given clear information about these cuts. 
The impact of these cuts will be felt across Lewisham and will have a knock-on effect on schools and other Local Authority services who rely on Drumbeat Outreach’s expertise. The loss of a highly-skilled workforce will leave a lasting legacy. While the government puts in motion its plans to ensure more children with SEND are educated in mainstream settings, Lewisham seems to be cutting back the one team that can make this work in practice. What will this mean for our children’s futures?

How it will be delivered

We will deliver this petition to Brenda Dacres, Mayor of Lewisham, relevant Councillors and Council officers, and Drumbeat School.

Feel free to add messages about the impact Drumbeat Outreach have had for you, your children and your families.

Lewisham, London, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2025-03-12 18:35:55 +0000

We are so pleased that 1000 people have signed this petition in support of Drumbeat Outreach in 24 hours!

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1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached