To: UK Government

Nurses Pay-rises 2021

This week the Government have proposed a 1% pay increase for nurses. This is on average an additional £2.50 per week. Our nurses have had the worst 18 months having to deal with the pandemic. They need to substantially increase this amount as Nurses make up a a significant part of our NHS and are key to patient welfare. During the pandemic so many of them themselves lost their own lives as well as those that were there holding the hands of dying patients as family members were stuck at home in lockdown. They have money available but they just don’t want to allocate funds to this sector as they want to keep it in other places such as MP pay rises. We can not allow this to happen and once again as in 2018 we have to come together and petition the government to take a U turn.

Why is this important?

We have to reward and recognise what every nurse has been through not only during lockdown but every single day. In addition how will we be able to encourage the next generations to work hard to qualify when they will be getting paid peanuts. Then the government will pay agency nurses or get people in from overseas again at a more greater cost to us the taxpayers.

United Kingdom

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