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To: Cardiff Council Planning Committee

Objection to Planning Application 20/02632/MJR
We the undersigned object to the granting of application 20/02632/MJR as:

1. The application does not provide adequate reasoning for requesting the extension, only vague iterations regarding Covid. In reality, the Nuffield Trusts’ advice requires significant changes to the Cancer Centre plans, and therefore the material conditions applied in 2018 are now unworkable, meaning the applicants are seeking more time to enact these changes. As such, the passage of time, and the changes required to make the centre workable make this application a material application;

2. The community as a third party is disadvantaged by the application and decision, as we will be required to spend more time uncertain of when building works will begin, or even what will be built on the site;

3.There has been no community consultation regarding this proposed change. The application was also submitted over the christmas period and the beginning of a new lockdown. Both events have prevented adequate opportunity for the public to scrutinise the application. Therefore, the consultation period should be extended;

4. This application does not consider the impact of the ‘Building Better Places’ nor Planning Policy 10, and as such does not reflect the required standards of the latest legislation.

5. We contend the material issues of ‘use, area, scale, location, or magnitude of impacts’ have changed as a result of the Nuffield Trusts Advice, and plans now require significant material change.

We request you reject permission for this application,

Why is this important?

The campaign to save the northern meadows has been active over the last nine months. We have empowered the community to engage with the planning process, securing hundreds of objections to six planning applications and thousands of petition signatures. We've also seen a huge increase in the use of the meadows and green spaces, joined with groups across Cardiff and called for a halt to unsustainable and destructive developments across the city.

Regardless of the pandemic, developers have continued to push through planning applications when people can't even talk to their neighbours.

Transforming Cancer Services and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board have submitted two planning applications regarding the meadows over the christmas period. This is in the face of significant community opposition to building works on the meadows.

We won't let them knock us down with the cynical timings of their submissions.

Please keep signing the petitions, keep objecting to the applications, keep sharing our social media, and keep supporting the campaign to save the northern meadows!

Cardiff, UK

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2021-01-10 20:49:15 +0000

100 signatures reached

2021-01-10 19:56:46 +0000

50 signatures reached

2021-01-10 19:28:30 +0000

25 signatures reached

2021-01-10 18:52:27 +0000

10 signatures reached