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To: Local Government Boundary Commission

Objection to Proposed Boundary changes Lambeth

Review and change the proposed creation of Streatham Common Ward a single councillor ward.
We strongly request that the Commission reconsider their proposal and create a larger ward with representation of three councillors.

Why is this important?

The Local Government Boundary Commission is proposing changes to the ward boundaries across Lambeth borough.

The Commission recommends the creation
of a much smaller ward for our area, creating a “Streatham Common Ward”, which will include the Streatham Lodge Community area.

This will then become the smallest ward in the borough of Lambeth.
Importantly this would result in losing our current 3 councillor status and moving to representation by just one councillor, we would be the only ward in the entire borough to have just one councillor representation.

For many years the three councillor system has proved very effective and a great deal has been achieved.

We believe that this proposal is unacceptable for a variety of reasons and not least that a single councillor would be stretched beyond their limits.

A single councillor will present many practical difficulties without the cover of a second councillor.
The problem is particularly acute in addressing the many problems associated with the use of the Common, which, at times, need urgent and immediate attention. Further, many councillors also serve roles in the council (such as a Council’s cabinet member) in addition to their normal councillor duties.
It will be almost impossible for a single councillor to take up such multiple roles. This will significantly reduce our representation at the council’s executive level.

It would also sever ties we have currently with the wider ward.
Streatham Lodge is a residential area.
However, our children go to schools outside our area; we shop, use leisure facilities and workship in places in adjoining areas. By isolating us in a small ward, our single councillor will have little or no influence on decisions made for these establishment outside of our ward, in the adjoining areas.
We need to be part of a bigger ward to have an effective voice and are able to play a part in decisions and matters that are important to our daily life and to the future of the area’s character.

Severing the ties with our traditional “neighbours”.
For many decades, we have been part of the Streatham South culture sharing many commonalities with our neighbours in the adjoining areas. By confining us into a small ward away from the Streatham South culture, it will sever our cultural link with our traditional neighbours and the ability to jointly develop this attractive culture further.

It is therefore important that you sign this petition, so together we can ask the Commission to understand the importance of the issues outined above and to incorporate Streatham Lodge Community into a bigger ward in Streatham South.

Streatham Common, Streatham Common S, Streatham South, London SW16 3BX, UK

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2021-03-19 11:48:45 +0000

100 signatures reached

2021-03-13 16:01:17 +0000

50 signatures reached

2021-03-13 10:54:43 +0000

25 signatures reached

2021-03-12 11:53:20 +0000

10 signatures reached