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To: George Ferguson and Bristol City Council

Open up empty buildings in Bristol

Thank you for signing the petition Open up empty buildings in Bristol, I have been contacted by Richard Drake of Julian Trust and have been informed that there is a new over-night shelter of 15 beds opening up.

Training is available and starts this week Thurs/Fri, they need at least 28 people to ensure that the shelter can be open 7 nights a week.

Here is a link to the web page for volunteering opportunities:

Please email [email protected] if you are interested!

Well done everyone for supporting the petition!

Follow the lead of Manchester and open up empty buildings for homeless people this winter.

Why is this important?

To plead to the Council to open its empty buildings to the homeless in winter. I cannot imagine sleeping rough in driving, biting winds, snow, ice and winter rain. It's inhumane. It's also inexcusable when we have so many empty buildings.

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2017-10-30 02:59:48 +0000

Petition is successful with 12,842 signatures

2016-01-29 13:47:20 +0000

Petition is successful with 12,762 signatures

2015-11-23 23:03:30 +0000

10,000 signatures reached

2015-11-23 15:43:12 +0000

Everyday (and night), local charities and volunteers already work hard to help homeless people. These charities work to provide food, shelter and protection for the homeless.

This petition can encourage and expand the support of these organisations-

"This petition doesn't pretend to offer a long-term solution, or to have solved all the problems.

But it could be a bolster to organisations like the Julian Trust, a night shelter in St Paul's who already work so hard to help those living on the streets.

It could be a life-line for anyone suffering the dangers of homelessness. It is a start, a potential first step in the process of helping people off the streets altogether" Laura Hounsom-

2015-11-21 11:12:49 +0000

Hello friends, today we will be establishing who will take the petition documents to the Bristol City Council forum meeting on Tuesday afternoon. This is very important and it would be great to have more than one representative. I hope that the council will recognise the severity of the matter and will be willing to cooperate.

I was also sent this film to help with the campaign about a Lady called Jane who used to live in Castle Park :
It is very touching and raises the important issue of the Council sealing over and blocking off warm and public spaces that homeless people use as shelter or to sleep in at night. These spaces save lives!

Thanks again for your help, keep signing and sharing!

2015-11-20 12:28:38 +0000

Hello everyone,
So just to let you know that these words, "To plead to the Council to open its empty buildings to the homeless in winter. I cannot imagine sleeping rough in driving, biting winds, snow, ice and winter rain. It's inhumane. It's also inexcusable when we have so many empty buildings" are the words of the 38 degree team and are used to display the intention of each petition that is started by an inidividual. I have been receiving some really positive emails regarding promoting the campaign and supporting projects. I have every intention of taking the campaign further but would need help doing this. I am a student with a busy schedule and I also do forest schools volunteering- I have no experience of project managing to this scale and some extra hands/ brains/ people with useful connections or who want to make this happen would be fantastic! My email is linked directly to this profile-
Keep sharing and signing - thank you!

2015-11-19 15:17:53 +0000

5,000 signatures reached

2015-11-18 18:24:06 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2015-11-18 17:38:22 +0000

500 signatures reached

2015-11-12 21:18:38 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-11-12 18:30:00 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-11-11 20:14:00 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-11-10 18:51:43 +0000

10 signatures reached