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To: Local Council

Open up empty buildings in York

Follow the lead of Manchester and open up empty buildings for homeless people this winter.

Why is this important?

To plead to the Council to open any empty buildings to the homeless in winter. I cannot imagine sleeping rough in driving, biting winds, snow, ice and winter rain. It's inhumane. There may be less rough sleepers in York than in other cities, but surely this is even more reason to help the few that are.

It is simply important because no one should sleep rough at any time of the year let alone Christmas, when others are spending time with their loved ones, and during the Winter, when conditions can get bitterly cold.

This move would be important because it would provide respite for those homeless people who may have endured months and years of sleeping rough. It would provide them with somewhere warm to stay, somewhere where they can be in the company of others over Christmas/Winter time and most importantly, they would be safe from outside elements, which are no good for the healthiest of people to endure for a long period of time, let alone someone who is homeless.

It is our duty, as human beings, to look after other human beings, especially in times of need. Helping others is something we pride ourselves on; we see acts of kindness all over the world, why can't we do the same for the poorest in York

Please, let's use buildings that are no longer in use to good effect and show that the city of York is a compassionate place. A move like this can change public perception of homelessness overnight and we can then move on to getting homeless people off the streets and into homes, into work and living a happy healthy life in society.


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2015-11-21 01:41:45 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2015-11-20 13:51:47 +0000

500 signatures reached

2015-11-20 11:30:27 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-11-20 11:23:42 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-11-18 20:14:10 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-11-09 09:04:30 +0000

10 signatures reached