To: Councillors at LB of Redbridge, Ilford, Essex. Wes Streeting MP for Ilford North.

Parking on Footpath Anomaly in Easternville Gardens, corner with Cranley Drive and Quebec Road

Urgently, review and change the very ambiguous and contradictory 'Parking on Footpaths' Regulation, which for some unknown reason, does NOT extend up to the end of the road at BOTH ends of Easternville Gardens, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex.

At the present time, if vehicles are parked with two wheels on the footpath, beyond the signed posts at the ends of the road, they ae issued with PCNs.

If cars or any vehicles are parked beyond the posted signs, ie with all wheels on the road, especially on both sides of the road at any time, then this would be allowed with regards to the LBR-Traffic Regulations, but would undoubtedly, cause a 'bottle neck' such that ALL vehicles, especially Emergency Vehicles such as Ambulances, Fire Engines and Police Vehicles would NOT be able to pass through between the space made available.

If however vehicles were allowed to park partially on the footpath, as is the case on the entire middle section of this road, this problem would NOT exist.  

Why is this important?

The road in question is: Easternville Gardens, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex. It runs parallel with the A12 Eastern Avenue, between Cranley Drive at the east side and Quebec Road towards the west side. 

It's only a matter of time that an emergency would occur and if coincidentally, vehicles ARE parked (ie two vehicles on opposite sides of the road at the either end of this road, with all four wheels on the road - in accordance with LBR-Traffic Regulations) then only will it become apparent the problem this Traffic Regulation has caused.

NOTE: Emergency vehicles would NOT be able to pass between vehicles parked in the manner 'legally acceptable' to LBR, as photographs taken to simulate this situation, will prove, if necessary.

Having contacted the Ilford Police via an online pro-forma, with this concern, they responded by claiming 'this a matter for the Redbridge Council and not the police'.     

Many drivers had previously and some currently, parked with two wheels on the footpath at the 'problematic ends' of the Easternville Gardens - especially at the end with Canley Drive - only to be issued with PCNs.

Apparently, it would seem this 'absurd and ambiguous regulation' is essentially ONLY for financial gains from imposed fines and no concern for the 'latent' problems that will undoubtedly occur in an emergency situation.   

Easternville Gardens, Ilford IG2, UK

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