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To: Mr.Pickles MP-Sec of State-Communities & Local Government(DCLG)

Pay disabled Fire Service Veterans-their correct pensions & their backpay.

Carry out a Ministerial/ Independent Enquiry-which Pickles already knows about-publish the results.
Pay thousands of disabled FSVs and their widows their corrected injury pensions and their underpaid back pay.
London Fire Brigade alone has 4000 such cases +thousands of others across the UK.

Why is this important?

Social justice and the pension law demands that disabled FSVs and their widows hurt in the service of this nation must be paid their correct injury pensions including their back pay to allow them to care for themselves by reducing the burden on local health services.
In memoriam of the 345 Firefighters of NYFD on this day of 9/11 who never made it to disablement...

How it will be delivered

Via the media and my website




2018-01-18 16:27:42 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-09-20 16:31:43 +0100

10 signatures reached