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To: Brighton and Hove City Council

Pedestrian crossing Goldstone Crescent

Pedestrian Crossing on Goldstone Crescent
Between bottom of woodland drive and bottom of Nevill Way

Why is this important?

The increasing danger of crossing this road for Pedestrians, especially Children on their way to and from school.
This has greatly increased due to the new parking restrictions in the surrounding area.
The speeding traffic is a hazard, where the speed limit is still 30mph as opposed to 20mph along the rest of Goldstone Crescent.
There have been a numerous near misses with children and cars on a daily basis.

Goldstone Crescent, Hove

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2019-11-11 19:10:58 +0000

500 signatures reached

2019-10-01 21:15:21 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-10-01 14:14:40 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-10-01 10:50:28 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-10-01 10:15:02 +0100

10 signatures reached