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To: Ryedale District Council

Petition against High Malton

We, the undersigned, ask that Ryedale District Council reject the Fitzwilliam Estate application for 500 houses on land North of Castle Howard Rd and South of Middlecave Rd (14/00678/MOUT) due to substantial concerns such as High traffic impact, high visual impact, high size for a small town, high uncertainty, and highly prejudicial to a future Neighbourhood Plan.

Why is this important?

HIGH TRAFFIC impact, on congestion, queuing and air quality in Malton, especially Yorkersgate, Butcher Corner, Castle Howard Rd, Middlecave Rd and Horsemarket Rd
HIGH VISUAL impact, on the countryside, AONB, footpaths, and nearby properties
HIGH SIZE at 500 houses, 25% size of Malton today=25% more traffic
HIGH UNCERTAINTY on this OUTLINE ONLY application in amounts/location or retail and commercial development, and amounts/location of high rise buildings, where open space would be, where access would be, consequent lack of guarantee of how much traffic or visual impact there would be, lack of a building design tied to the application leading to uncertainty of what any of the development would really look like in practice
HIGHLY PREJUDICIAL to the development of a Neighbourhood Plann, which would give residents a genuine say in where they think housing should go in Malton and Norton.


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2015-01-29 23:16:39 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-01-21 14:22:13 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-01-21 06:37:29 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-01-20 21:38:06 +0000

10 signatures reached