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To: The Archbishop Justin Welby

Petition for Action Over the Comments of the Revd Marcus Walker

This campaign has now ended

Launch an investigation into the anti-democratic, public comments of one of your ministers.

Why is this important?

A number of journalists and prominent Conservatives have recently, and gleefully drawn attention to the ease with which it might be possible for malicious elements to influence the leadership elections of political parties (parties to whom they hold no affinity). Upon exploration, I was shocked to discover that the idea was initially conceived (and propagated via Twitter), by an Anglican Priest- the Revd Marcus Walker. The following article provides a summary of the Revd Walker's actions: , but does not necessarily give indication as to the full ramifications of those actions (indeed- the author seems unaware of those ramifications).

The Revd Walker is effectively suggesting that anyone can interfere in the leadership choice of a political party to whom they hold no affinity. It is hard to understand how the Revd Walker could be so stupid as not to recognise the implications of this. Possibly no party will ever be able to hold a democratic leadership election again- this is how serious his actions are. How can a party ensure that malicious elements be kept out of their own process for choosing a leader? There are only two obvious answers to that: a system whereby only MPs are allowed to vote in leadership elections (a solution which would notably impinge upon the democratic process); or- limit the voting to members only and significantly increase membership rates (so that casual saboteurs are not wont to interfere). Surely the horror of this second option is not lost upon you- it would in turn lead to a situation in which, in principle, the wealthiest among us could effectively buy the leadership of all major parties). Regardless of the Revd Walker's political leanings- this behavior, at best indicates deep stupidity, and at worst, indicates a complete lack of moral fibre.

Furthermore- beyond the practical ramifications of these tweets- I was also very distressed by the apparent glee with which the Revd Walker seems to be conducting himself. This in particular, I find extremely unbefitting of the church.

United Kingdom

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2017-03-28 22:28:11 +0100

10 signatures reached