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To: MP Robert Largan

Petition to reinstate the local bus service in Harpur Hill

Petition for the Reinstatement of the Local Bus Service

We, the undersigned residents of Harpur Hill are writing this petition to call for the reinstatement of the local bus service. The discontinuation of this service has caused significant inconvenience and hardship for many of our residents, especially for those who rely on it for essential transportation needs.

The local bus service has been a vital part of our community for many years, providing reliable and affordable transportation for those who need it most. The discontinuation of this service has left many of our residents without a reliable way to get to work, school, medical appointments, and other essential destinations. This has not only caused significant inconvenience, but it has also had a negative impact on the local economy and quality of life in our community.

We believe that the reinstatement of the local bus service is an essential step towards improving the well-being of our community. Not only will it provide much-needed transportation for those who need it, but it will also help to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, and support the local economy by making it easier for people to get to work, school, and other essential destinations.

We therefore respectfully request that the local government take immediate steps to reinstate the local bus service. We believe that this is a matter of great urgency and importance, and we ask that you give it the attention it deserves.

Why is this important?

More voices, more strength.

Harpur Hill, Buxton SK17 9LB, UK

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2023-02-13 19:28:21 +0000

50 signatures reached

2023-02-11 19:30:48 +0000

25 signatures reached

2023-02-11 12:54:32 +0000

10 signatures reached