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To: Wealden District Council, Rother District Council, East Sussex County Council

Please leave areas for pollinators - where safe to do so!

We, would like Wealden & Rother District Council (& East Sussex County Council) to;

• change mowing & strimming rotas on a number of small areas e.g verges, roundabouts, crossroad islands

• not mow chosen areas throughout spring, mow in June/July and regularly thereafter
• mow chosen areas once in late March/early April and then leave until August/September

• encourage native wildflower growth in small areas in public places e.g. in recreational grounds/fields, around train stations

• leave rarely visited roadsides to grow

• lessen use of pesticides on public green areas

• lessen usage of leafblowers, which not only run on fossil fuels, but produce carbon monoxide & kill various insects

Not only would this save on costs at this uncertain time, choosing any of these approaches would be the most beneficial to wildlife and would support local flora and fauna. This move of creating wildlife highways would support all wildlife, including bees, hedgehogs, bats, moths, frogs and many others.

We fully support mowing verges that when overgrown, are a hindrance to drivers. However, where known and proven not to be view-restricting, verges and small areas should be left. This will not only help our wildlife, but divert money that can be importantly spent elsewhere - maybe fixing our roads?!

The council will continue to mow everywhere on their current regimes unless we and say something. PLEASE join me.

Why is this important?

To support our environment, with the intention to divert our hard earned taxes to more important things. Verges and banks would not only look more attractive, they will be as they would've been without human interference, beneficial to pollinators and ultimately to us. Mowing regimes would only be altered, not stopped. This would be a practical alternative to wildflower planting schemes - why do the work when nature has done it for us? Plants just need the chance to establish and would quickly do so. The wildflowers would be on display at their most attractive time for anyone concerned of an eyesore. Weeds = Wildflowers: our ecosystem needs them!

East Sussex, UK

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2020-07-16 09:08:26 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-06-14 11:45:13 +0100

10 signatures reached