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To: Mark Harper MP

Please dont split my family

Dear Minister
I am fighting to keep my family together
I listened to Mr Camerons speech intently ..... Please let this land
of opportunity apply to all british passport holders .....

My son Darren was born in the UK but has lived in South Africa since
being a toddler. I returned to the Uk with my younger son
8 years ago. Darren remained in south Africa with his father and sister
and he is now married with a 3 year old
gorgeous boy. In the last three years my son has suffered the loss of
his father due to cancer, and his sister (my daughter)
through a tragic car accident. these deaths occurred within 2 months of
one any other. His mother in law died at a young age last year.

Darren and his family are arriving in the UK in December , we were all
so excited at the thought of being together again.
but we have now been told that Darrens wife can only come into UK on a
visitors visa and will have to go back to South Africa
after 6 months and will have to remain there until my son can earn a
salary in excess of £24,000 !!!
If he had been born in any other EU country this salary rule wouldnt

Please please please help me get my family back together, My son and
daughter in law do not want to claim benefits or council housing, they
have a small inheritence to tide them over until they both have jobs,
they dont care what work they do although Darren is a foreman plumber
in SA and my daughter is an office manager. Darren needsto get UK
qualifications to enable him to advance in his career and in the future
Im sure he will attain
the stipulated salary but in the meantime I cannot bear the thought of
the family being split.

Mr Cameron knows what it is like to lose a child, I have lost my only
daughter and now this rule is stopping me from
having my eldest son and his family home with me.

We rent from a private landlord and have kept the house on after my
step daughters moved to Uni to ensure that Darren and his family had a
roof over their head. We could have downsized but didnt.

My husband and I are both care workers in our local community and are
asking you to also care and help us to be a family again

Yours sincerely,

Elaine Lloyd (nee Franklin)

Why is this important?

Due to Elitist approach to immigration caused by the arbitrary salary rule of £24,600
you are denying my UK born son and grandson the right of living as a family with their
devoted wife/mother. Elite high earners should not be the only ones to be permitted to start a new life in the UK. My Son was born in the UK and now I wish he had been born elsewhere in Europe as then this rule would not apply. Uk passport holders are being discriminated against. Surely the UK should be looking after their own nationals before others. This rule is not just affecting my family but many others, Please reduce or do away with the salary level now.



2013-10-19 22:03:59 +0100

Help us be with our family!

2013-10-18 22:19:39 +0100

500 signatures reached

2013-10-16 18:33:36 +0100

100 signatures reached

2013-10-16 16:17:59 +0100

50 signatures reached

2013-10-16 14:04:29 +0100

25 signatures reached

2013-10-16 13:28:46 +0100

10 signatures reached