To: Councillors of Derby City

Please save Derby Marketplace Marquee

Dear respectable councillors,

Please keep this fresh and newly developing venue which has yet to hit its peak in utilisation as an entertainment venue and hub in the heart of the city.

There has been an insurmountable wealth of positive comments from all patrons and users of this venue commending it's presence and versatility.

If this venue were to be lost, there would be no alternative for an unknown amount of time hereafter.

Why would we want to lose a building with a wealth of opportunities that lies before us?

Let's keep it and see what it can really bring to the city.

Yours Sincerely,

Samantha Hempsall

Why is this important?

To keep creativity and culture with room for new opportunities alive within the city.

How it will be delivered

Social Media and Word of Mouth

Derby, UK

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