To: Everybody

Please support Social Care Workers

Please support the social care workers who are tirelessly looking after the public in the community.

Why is this important?

The NHS quite rightly is getting praise, but by focusing on the NHS, many many people are being forgotten. There are social workers working 12 hour shifts ensuring that people get care assessments. Social workers working in Emergency Duty Teams completing mental health assessments and children assessments. Care workers working long hours looking after the elderly in care homes. Care workers working long hours looking after the elderly and disabled in their homes. All are doing this in the community, many without a thought for their own safety as they seek to protect and support the most vulnerable in society. All are now going above and beyond to fight this virus.

So please don't overlook the many as people focus on the NHS. As in any war it is not just the army who win the war.

I feel sad that supermarkets are prioritising the NHS. Football clubs wanting to give away tickets to NHS workers. People campaigning to give medals to the NHS workers. There are thousands in the NHS working very hard and deserve the praise. But there are many thousands working equally as hard in the community who also deserve the recognition.

Please include social care workers. At the moment they are the forgotten as everyone rushes to praise and support the NHS.