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To: Home Office

Police the big bang

Change the law regarding fireworks as to when they can be used, making it Strictly on certain days only, I.E. 5th November, Diwali, Chinese New Year, New Years Eve.
Also to place the onus back with the police to enforce the regulations, rather than local authorities, who are never there when the regulations are flouted.

Why is this important?

For the fourth day running, I have been kept awake, in fact I am composing this petition at 5.57am still hearing the cracks as fireworks are being let off about half a mile from my house. Since this started, over a week ago, I haven't been able to let my cats out without keeping them on a leash, and speaking to several people up and down the country, they are facing a similar situation.
At 4.49am I phoned the police, only to be told "You will have to phone the council, they deal with noise abatement now, it is not a police matter." I was then given the number to call the council, which I duly did, only to get through to a standard recorded message telling me the offices were closed until monday.
Surely with the firework regulations (2004) clearly stating the allowed times that fireworks can be and cannot be used, the people using them at this time, as I pointed out, were clearly breaking the law. So according to the regulations would
upon conviction, face fines of up to £5,000 or 6 months in prison.
Yet the police say it is nothing to do with them? Are they not there to uphold the law? Parliament passed this law, and laid down the penalties, the police are the ones with the power of arrest, where local authorities, will not even get to know about any offence until well after the occurrence.
Surely it makes sense for the police to be placed in the position where they should and MUST deal with this serious anti-social behaviour.



2014-11-09 10:24:59 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-11-09 07:53:58 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-11-09 07:10:39 +0000

10 signatures reached