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To: Prime Minister

Politicians must keep promises or lose power

Introduce a law that forces political parties to keep their election manifesto promises. They must only make promises they can keep and if they don't they should be removed from office and a further election called.

Why is this important?

The public no longer trusts politicians and will stop voting if trust cannot be restored.

Following the break of Nick Clegg's pledge on tuition fees, politicians could see that his party remained in the coalition government and he remained as leader. The country needs honesty from politicians, it's ok to say 'we'll try to do something' even if they fail in delivering, but if they say they 'will do something' the electorate are entitled to believe they have done their homework and are positive they can deliver, otherwise they shouldn't promise.

When politicians lie to get office or make claims they haven't thought through, they damage democracy. They should also make it clear before an election, which manifesto promises are negotiable in the event they are asked to form a coalition.

It is a fundamental breach of contract to gain office on the strength of promises made and then renege on those promises when in power. The electorate needs to show there will be consequences if they do.



2015-04-02 10:50:59 +0100

10 signatures reached