To: The UK Government

Postpone the EU Referendum: Voters need neutral information

Postpone the EU Referendum: Voters need neutral information

We are confused. As always, opinions are being presented as fact. This time it's too important. We want a neutral body to provide information on how the EU works, the basic facts and the issues at stake to all voters. We want to postpone the referendum until we can make an informed decision.

This issue cannot be reduced to soundbites. This is a huge decision which will have an immediate impact on all our lives and our children's lives. Any inconvenience caused by postponing the referendum is worth it to make the right decision.

Why is this important?

It is not true that there is no objective information about the EU referendum. There are many objective and neutral studies which show the real complexity of the issue. Even now, when both sides of the referendum are apparently trying to have a sensible debate in the wake of the killing of Jo Cox MP, the important details are not being explained to the electorate. Please watch this video for an example of the complexity that has been lost in this debate.