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To: UK Government

Looming PPI Deadline 29/08/19

Make the financial institutions pay back stolen PPI automatically.

Why is this important?

Claiming back PPI taken from their customers without their consent should not be down to the customers to claim it - It should be the institutions and companies that stole it in the first place to own up and just give it back.
The claim process is deliberately complicated and peppered with traps and loopholes and can only really be successfully negotiated by specialist collection companies who charge a huge percentage cut from any recovered money to do so on customers' behalf.
Complaining to the Ombudsman is just as complicated and frankly an unnecessary waste of their time.
It's not just PPI payments that should be returned to their rightful owners, but also any interest made by the perpetrators PLUS compensation to the victims for not having that money available when they could have used it.

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2019-05-31 19:05:15 +0100

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