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To: Health & Leisure Facilities

Health & leisure facilities open to teenagers

Allow our teenagers to use health & leisure facilities, after school, without an accompanying adult, by providing adequate supervision for a few hours after school.

Why is this important?

Fitness improves the overall wellbeing in our teenagers, both mentally and physically, at a time when they need it most.
Being a teenager isn’t easy and there are very few adults who would wish to return this age.
They are not all rascals, which our press would have us believe. The rascals are in fact the minority.
Our community and the facilities within should be encouraging health and fitness.
My daughter has been invited to help start a volleyball team at school. She is also a dancer, who aims to teach professionally. She wanted to improve her fitness and so came lane swimming with me. She was asked to leave by the facilities assistant manager due to being “underage”.
Not based on ability just on age.
She has now joined a gym, who took her money for a membership but when she arrived after school she was told she couldn’t visit without an accompanying adult.
We have all read the reports of an increasing number of teenagers suffering from mental health issues, particularly depression, and teenagers addicted to computer games.
Exercise helps regulate hormones, improves moodswings, and reduces the risk of mental health issues.
Teenagers who have the interest and want to exercise should be encouraged to do so. It keeps them away from the risks and temptations that are ever present on the streets and also steers them away from the bombardment of social media.
Surely these facilities should have a responsibility to promote and encourage exercise in our youth.
It would just need the simple solution and low cost of providing supervision for 2 or 3 hours after school hours.
Please give your support to help encourage these facilities to promote the health and wellbeing, that they market themselves on, to our youth. Health & wellbeing does not just apply to adults.


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2020-02-25 13:45:15 +0000

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