100 signatures reached
To: The Government
Protect AONB's from increased aircraft noise intrusion
We want the Government to:
1: Withdraw Part One of the Air Traffic Management Bill, (https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/lbill/58-01/098/5801098.pdf)
or, failing that, to accept Lord Randall's Amendment,
(Before Clause 17)
Insert the following new Clause— “Prohibiting aircraft noise over designated sites (1) Civil aviation aircraft flying below 7,000 feet over landscapes designated as National Parks or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty are prohibited, except— (a) any civil aviation aircraft landing at or taking off from civil airports or airfields,and (b) civil aviation aircraft flying below7,000 feet for safety reasons).
-which protects AONB's, but lifting the minimum overflight altitude to 20,000ft.
2: To revise the protection of AONBs , putting it on a statutory basis on the lines suggested in a Private Members Bill and the Glover Report and to include protection against increased aircraft noise intrusion.
1: Withdraw Part One of the Air Traffic Management Bill, (https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/lbill/58-01/098/5801098.pdf)
or, failing that, to accept Lord Randall's Amendment,
(Before Clause 17)
Insert the following new Clause— “Prohibiting aircraft noise over designated sites (1) Civil aviation aircraft flying below 7,000 feet over landscapes designated as National Parks or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty are prohibited, except— (a) any civil aviation aircraft landing at or taking off from civil airports or airfields,and (b) civil aviation aircraft flying below7,000 feet for safety reasons).
-which protects AONB's, but lifting the minimum overflight altitude to 20,000ft.
2: To revise the protection of AONBs , putting it on a statutory basis on the lines suggested in a Private Members Bill and the Glover Report and to include protection against increased aircraft noise intrusion.
Why is this important?
The Air Traffic Management Bill is designed to accommodate the projected DOUBLING of civil aviation traffic over the next 30 years. Places previously immune to aircraft intrusion, like National Parks and AONBs, will be faced with unacceptable noise levels. We discovered that there is very little in Statute to defend AONBs, so drafted a Private Members Bill outlining the main areas for reform. (The bill wasn't selected)