100 signatures reached
To: The Planning Inspectorate
Protect Bures Hamlet from over development
Refuse Planning Appeal Reference APP/Z1510/W/18/3207509
Why is this important?
Gladman Developments submitted a planning application to Braintree District Council, Reference 17/02291/OUT for:
“Outline planning application for the erection of up to 98 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from Colchester Road. All matters reserved except for means of access.”
This was considered by the Planning Committee at Braintree and refused unanimously. An appeal has now been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate - Reference APP/Z1510/W/18/3207509.
The application site, currently productive arable land, is outside the Village Envelope and it is considered sensitive by the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (Essex), the Dedham Vale Society, and the Colne-Stour Countryside Association who believe that a successful application will seriously damage the chances of extending the Dedham Vale AONB along the Stour Valley to include Bures, Lamarsh and onwards to Sudbury. The area is deemed to be of national importance as it unites the areas made famous by the artists John Constable and Thomas Gainsborough.
Many local residents have expressed concern regarding the scale of the proposal, and the additional strain that such a development would place on the village infrastructure.
If you would like to support the campaign against this development then please sign this petition. This must be done by 18th September.
If you wish to submit comments on this planning appeal you can do so at https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk using reference APP/Z1510/W/18/3207509
“Outline planning application for the erection of up to 98 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from Colchester Road. All matters reserved except for means of access.”
This was considered by the Planning Committee at Braintree and refused unanimously. An appeal has now been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate - Reference APP/Z1510/W/18/3207509.
The application site, currently productive arable land, is outside the Village Envelope and it is considered sensitive by the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (Essex), the Dedham Vale Society, and the Colne-Stour Countryside Association who believe that a successful application will seriously damage the chances of extending the Dedham Vale AONB along the Stour Valley to include Bures, Lamarsh and onwards to Sudbury. The area is deemed to be of national importance as it unites the areas made famous by the artists John Constable and Thomas Gainsborough.
Many local residents have expressed concern regarding the scale of the proposal, and the additional strain that such a development would place on the village infrastructure.
If you would like to support the campaign against this development then please sign this petition. This must be done by 18th September.
If you wish to submit comments on this planning appeal you can do so at https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk using reference APP/Z1510/W/18/3207509