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To: Camden Council

Prevent Urbanisation of Hampstead Heath and Millfield Lane

Reject Planning Application 2018/3672/P to redevelop 55 Fitzroy Park with five houses, two fronting directly on to Hampstead Heath.

Why is this important?

Hampstead Heath is a treasured open space in London, free for all to enjoy. Camden Council is currently considering plans for a major property development bordering the Heath which would replace one existing house and annexe with five luxury homes, all with basements.

The tranquil character and ecology of Millfield Lane will be irreparably damaged by the presence of the new houses, with the two largest fronting directly on to the lane immediately opposite the Bird Sanctuary Pond. This historic tree-lined path, originally known as Nightingale Lane, lies on the eastern edge of the Heath. It has inspired artists and poets, including Keats and Coleridge, for more than two centuries.

Hampstead Heath is a haven for wildlife and home to kingfishers, tawny owls, sparrowhawks, herons and tree-creepers. The loss of habitat – including nearly ninety trees (some subject to protection orders) – will impact on birds, amphibians, bats, insects and hedgehogs. Equally destructive will be the heavy engineering and traffic involved in construction, and the noise, light and heat generated by the new households.

Millfield Lane is a year-round pedestrian thoroughfare and, during the winter months, the sole access route to the Kenwood Ladies’ Pond. Up to three of the houses will have right-of-way over the road, radically increasing vehicle movements and hazard to thousands of walkers, joggers, swimmers, children and dogs who use it regularly.

In 2015, an alliance of local community groups and more than 4,000 individuals successfully petitioned Camden to refuse an application for overdevelopment of another property on Millfield Lane, The Water House. We call on Camden Council to reject this new application because of the irrevocable harm it will cause to Hampstead Heath, Millfield Lane and the Bird Sanctuary Pond

For more information please see Organisations and individuals supporting this petition include:

• Heath & Hampstead Society
• Highgate Society
• Highgate Conservation Area Advisory Committee
• Highgate Men’s Pond Association
• Kenwood Ladies’ Pond Association
• Fitzroy Park Allotments
• Direct Neighbours
• The Highgate Lifebuoys
Hampstead Heath, London

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




5 years ago

5,000 signatures reached

5 years ago

Today we have reached 4500 signatures and still going strong. Please tell your friends about this petition.

There has been recent coverage in the local press (Camden New Journal) which you can see on our Campagn website

This article focuses on insufficient information provided by the applicants who want to build 5 houses at 55 Fitzroy Park and continued objections from local community groups. The planning documents and objections can be seen on the Camden Planning portal at

5 years ago

The petition now has over 4000 signatures and still growing! The objections to the planning application keep coming in, and can be seen on the Camden Council planning portal at

You can submit your own objections to, quoting reference 2018/3672/P.

Please forward this petition link to your friends, relatives and colleagues

5 years ago

In less than five days we have received the support of over 2000 people! Hampstead Heath belongs to all Londoners, and welcomes visitors from around the world.

Help us to reach more people, tell your family, friends and colleagues about this petition. Please share the petition link and our website address

5 years ago

1,000 signatures reached

5 years ago

500 signatures reached

5 years ago

100 signatures reached

5 years ago

50 signatures reached

5 years ago

25 signatures reached

5 years ago

10 signatures reached