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To: Justice Secretary Rt Hon Robert Buckland QC

Protect our justice system! Introduce virtual jury trials

Introduce virtual jury trials to tackle the backlog of cases caused by the coronavirus and to make sure people are given access to justice.

Why is this important?

It is a fundamental human right to have access to a fair and representative trial. But right now in the UK, there is a risk that the suspension of trial by juries will create avoidable stress for those of us waiting to get justice.

Virtual trial juries would help to tackle the backlog of cases and make sure that people are given a fair and representative trial. Not having trials can have huge implications on those of us who face oppression and discrimination. The diversity of jurors helps ensure the justice system is fair and efficient by having more experiences and voices in the room.

The risk of not having jury trials could have lasting impacts and hit certain groups who experience discrimination - like Black, Asian or other people of colour - harder.



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