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To: John Swinney - SNP / deputy first minister

protect our natural world form further harm

Say no to fracking

Why is this important?

John Swinney promised his would be the 'greenest government ever'.
Yet he's come out in clear support of fracking, a new way of extracting yet more dirty fossil fuels, just when the UK should be leading the world in moving to clean renewable power.

I call on John Swinney to focus on clean, safe and renewable energy solutions instead.

I call on you all to reconsider your position on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, immediately and instead champion energy sources which do not risk our global climate, local environment or our health. in the parish of Airth ( Letham)

7 people i know have bowel cancer
i lady aged 86 ( my mother in law) died of it in 2010
my ex husband + 1 living in Letham have skin cancer , an have both had 3 opeartiontoremove living tissue
numerous people living and working in Letham have kidney cancer and other ailments
the govt insisted at Aorth Castle last week that they could issues CPOs to the local farmers

this is not a greener Scotland
this is a death sentence


Sonia McLay


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2015-07-24 15:55:36 +0100

10 signatures reached