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To: David Cameron - Prime Minister

Public Holiday to Celebrate the Queen's Birthday

Set a public holiday to celebrate our Monarchy and the Queens Birthday.

Why is this important?

The Queens birthday is celebrated twice in the year, on her actual birthday and her official birthday when the weather is nicer. Currently Australia, New Zealand, Gibraltar, The Falklands, Saint Helena as well as other commonwealth members celebrate the Queen and the monarchy around the time of her official birthday in June.
Previously Fiji, Bermuda, Canada and Hong Kong have all had public holidays to celebrate the current King or Queen.
What i'm trying to get across is that the United Kingdom should be leading the way in celebrating our monarchy. A public holiday should be set on the first Monday/Friday in June, where we can celebrate as a country, as we do so well on any other Royal occasion. The Trooping the Colour celebrations should be moved to this newly found holiday each year.
We are unique and very blessed to be part of one of the most loved and celebrated countries in the world and its because of our Monarchy that we truly are Great.

Great Britain

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2016-01-22 21:09:56 +0000

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