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To: Welsh Government

Put an ambulance back in Gower

Put an ambulance back in the Gower for members of the visiting public and residents.

Why is this important?

There was a once an ambulance station located in Reynoldston Gower which responded to 999 calls. This has long gone, and this has left the people of Gower without any ambulance cover. The delays cost lives and the residents DESERVE a safer service.
Speaking from personal experience earlier this year, my father suffered with a massive heart attack, we called the emergency services numerous times (over an hour time period) for assistance and on our last call to them we were told by the operator that there was no ambulance coming for him at the moment and if at all possible, to find someone with a car who could take him to hospital ourselves. We managed to get hold of a family member who lives in the city centre of Swansea, and they came to Pennard to assist with transferring my dad from the house to the car in order to take him to hospital. As you can appreciate, his heart attack was so big that if we hadn't of taken this action or, if none of us had a car, or didn't drive, then he could have died. We were so very lucky on this occasion and the service we received in hospital was second to none (Thank you!), but we don't want this to happen to any of our neighbours or families, or friends, just because of where they happen to live at a time where they are at their most vulnerable and in need of emergency/medical, specialist assistance. Please bring back an ambulance to this area, it would be an excellent use of resources.

Gower, United Kingdom

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