To: To: Minister of State for Housing & Planning, Gavin Barwell MP

Changes needed to the misleading 'Affordable Rent' programme

We want changes to the 'Affordable Rent' programme, which allows rent charges of up to 80% market rent. This isn't at all affordable for the average social housing tenant. It also means that secure tenancies are becoming harder to come by. We want an end to this programme, or changes that allow for reduced social housing rents. We want the Affordable Rents to align with local market rents rather than being produced from a central, national average.

Why is this important?

The Affordable Rent regime has shifted things further in the wrong direction by contributing to a net reduction in social rented homes. Tenancies are no longer secure and more and more continue to be changed to Affordable Rent. The rate at which these changes are occurring could mean the end of social housing all together before long. Sign now to help preserve our social housing stock and to make it affordable for the average social housing tenant. Thank you.

How it will be delivered

Signatures will be emailed to Gavin Barwell MP.