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I am petitioning to make it a legal requirement for ALL Winchester taxis to have working cameras on their interior for passengers safety.

Why is this important?

Because we ALL want to feel safe using a taxi. This is already required in Southampton taxis and with rule changes already planned for 2023 regarding the future of Winchester taxis, I believe this requirement should be included. After a lady who was picked up outside the Broadway in Winchester at 1am, September 2017 was sexually assaulted by her taxi driver I for one have felt incredibly uncomfortable using taxis alone in the early hours. I never used to feel like this and its not fair that we are forced into inappropriate conversation.. drivers going the wrong way intentionally... being questioned on my age, if I'm single... Because let's be honest, we have all experienced this at some point. Please help get this enforced so that we can feel safer on our ride home, knowing the person driving is the person who's 'MEANT' to be driving, not their friend or family member... knowing the whole journey is recorded for our safety. Its a small thing but can make a massive difference to safety! There are already cameras on trains and busses so why not enforce it for this method of public transport too?
Thanks for your help and please remember to share šŸ˜Š

Winchester, UK

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2021-03-25 11:27:55 +0000

10 signatures reached