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To: Government

Raise local housing allowance to reflect the rental market

I want the government to raise local allowance rates to reflect the true cost of rent so people can afford to live in houses suitable for their needs.

Why is this important?

The LHA rates are very low, often £200 lower than the the cheapest properties in the area forcing families to downsize their living space in order to find accommodation. At least have the LHA to reflect the cheapest properties... but it doesn't even do that... so a family with 2 children of the same sex entitled to a a 2 bed property are forced into a one bed property. This can't be fair and just considering that it was this Government who introduced the right to buy thus destroying all social housing stock!



2022-02-05 18:48:05 +0000

100 signatures reached

2017-02-01 10:02:47 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-02-27 18:44:47 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-07-25 10:13:42 +0100

10 signatures reached