To: Government

Raise Nursery Education Grant Hourly Rate

Have one standard hourly rate for the NEG [Nursery Education Grant] for all nurseries across the country which is in line with inflation in order to meet the running costs of nurseries. This would ensure Nursery schools are not running at a loss and then would not be forced to close down.

Why is this important?

Last year as we started researching nurseries for our son,we realised without the Government scheme funding for 2-5 year old, it would have been pretty difficult for us to achieve a nursery place. We were very lucky to find a good nursery for our child, where the teachers have been amazing. While we all agree that this is a very beneficial Government incentive allowing all children access to nursery education , its not that clear cut.

In reality the amount paid to nurseries for each individual child does not cover the cost of their yearly expenditure which means they are left with a deficit resulting in a loss, which the Government expects them to cover. For this election some parties have promised to increase school funding but this only applies to primary schools and high schools, yet nurseries are the foundation of our children's education and need more financial support.
If Government agrees with our petition, It will allow good nurseries to stay open and raise standards. It will also give more opportunity for people to access free nursery places. It will enable nurseries to pay their staff a decent living wage. Many people are not aware that the NEG is a postcode lottery where boroughs across the country do not get the same hourly rate.

But, If the Government continues to pay us such a low NEG amount even the nursery where our son goes will be forced to close, this is a nursery with a Excellent Ofsted. All Nursery school teachers deserve to be paid a decent living wage yet at present many are living below the breadline as nurseries are unable to pay.

We hope you can support this petition in making a difference for our children and for all future children who have a right to High Quality Nursery education with high quality experienced staff who deserve to be paid a decent wage.
