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To: Oliver Dowdon, Minister for Culture Media and Sport

Recognize Toyah and Robert Fripp for their selfless work during lockdown

Toyah and Robert Fripp worked tirelessly during covid lockdown to support initially their fans, but later a huge proportion of the population. Their videos and interaction entertained many and certainly supported and eased the mental health of many people. Their videos have had over 30,000,000 views and the feedback has been superb. They generally care for their fans, and the nation as a whole and have since so much during these trying times. Please can they be considered for formal recognition of their services to entertainment and supporting mental health.

Why is this important?

People like Toyah and Robert passionately support people and have helped so much during lockdown to ease the mental burden lockdown has had on so many people.


2021-09-04 11:31:23 +0100

10 signatures reached