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To: The Mayor of Hackney

Recycle pet food packaging in Hackney

Please use the technology offered by Enval Ltd to fully recycle the plastic/aluminium pouches that pet food and other products come in, and stop thousands of tonnes of them ending up in landfill.

Why is this important?

If you feed your pet food from pouches, you'll know how many they can get through. As my kitten grew bigger and hungrier, I was shocked to find that these pouches were not recycled. But the technology exists to recycle them.

This plastic aluminium laminate packaging is increasingly used by manufacturers because it is cheap and uses much less energy to produce and transport than other packaging, but it is going into landfill at the rate of thousands of tonnes annually, because very few councils recycle it.

The recycling process produces high grade aluminium as well as oil from the plastic. In Hackney, more than £33,000 worth of aluminium a year is ending up in landfill unnecessarily, from these pet food pouches alone.

If Hackney is really serious about being a green borough, let's lead the way in getting this packaging recycled. It is possible!

Hackney, London

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2018-06-05 10:27:06 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-04-18 07:46:22 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-04-17 18:02:21 +0100

10 signatures reached