To: Surrey Heath county council

Reduce speeds and dangerous driving in Chobham

Put in measures to reduce cars speeding in Chobham and change some speed limits.

Why is this important?

Chobham is a small but busy village. It is populated by young families and elderly residents. It is also positioned between several major motorways.
Residents have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of deaths, accidents, dangerous and aggressive driving. Accidents have involved barriers to houses, walls, parked cars
Due to the primary school, children's centre, pre school and elderly population. We are seriously concerned that the next accident is going to involve a child or an elderly person.

We would like to see a variety of traffic calming measures introduced to the local roads. These roads include: Chertsey road, Windsor road, Bagshot road and Pennypot lane.

We are parents of young children and we know any parent would be devastated if a horrific accident involving a young child were to happen due to factors which are preventable. We urge you to take action.


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