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To: Councillors for Higher Blackley

Reduce the speed limit in Blackley Village

Reduce the risk of collisions and injury by reducing the speed limit to 20miles per hour throughout the entire residential area in Blackley Village.

Why is this important?

As residents of Blackley Village we are subjected to high volumes of traffic in a neighbourhood which provides more car infrastructure than walking infrastructure.

Pavements along Old Market Street, Oakworth Street, French Barn Lane, Plant Hill Road, Bank House, Hill Lane, Chapel Lane, Tweedle Hill Road are often narrow. At the same time roads are narrow and bendy. These roads are used by high volumes of vulnerable pedestrians, including school children of Pike Fold Primary School, the Co-op Academy, Crab Lane Primary School and Prospect House Specialist Support Primary School. Additionally, there is a high proportion of elderly road users, who access the shops on Old Market Street and Hill Lane as well as the GP practice on Old Market Street.

Given the limited shared space for both motorized traffic and foot traffic, we ask that you reduce the risk of collisions and injury by reducing the speed limit to 20miles per hour throughout the entire residential area.

Currently there are some 20miles zones outside some schools, such as parts of Old Market Street/Chapel Lane for Pike Fold Primary School and parts of Plant Hill Road outside the Co-op Academy. At the same time, Bank House outside Prospect House only has a recommended speed limit of 20miles per hour.

Given the size of the neighbourhood and the high frequency of change in speed limits throughout the area, we ask you to consider introducing a blanket 20miles zone for the entire neighbourhood.

The residential roads and their footpaths in Blackley Village are narrow and bendy. We also have hundreds of school children and their families using them every day.

There are already 20miles per hour zones directly outside of the schools - which means 1) drivers have to change their speed several times and 2) most part of the children's way to school is not protected from fast cars.

Additionally, we frequently have races occuring in the area. Petitioning for a 20miles per hour zone will pave the way for more physical traffic calming measures to stop these races.
Higher Blackley, Manchester M9, UK

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