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To: Shropshire Council

Round 2: Protected Wildlife Species at Risk from Intensive Poultry development in North Shropshire

Refuse permission for development of an intensive, industrial sized poultry/ egg laying unit, on uninterrupted green field land and river catchment area with active badger setts and otter holts, situated between Betton and Norton-In-Hales in North Shropshire.

Why is this important?

We need your signatures for the second time, to stop the proposed intensive poultry development that will put the existing wildlife habitats of badgers, otters, bats, other mammals & some birds and amphibians in real danger. With active badger setts located adjacent to the site, this threatens their habitat and welfare. The loss of habitat of endangered and protected species such as badgers & Otters is a real risk!

The proposed development is not an existing farm, does not include any existing farm or other buildings/ infrastructure and is located 1km away from the nearest working farm buildings. It is situated in an uninterrupted English greenfield site which makes up part of the national character profile of Shropshire and the United Kingdom.

The area is celebrated and enjoyed for its history, beauty, diversity and tranquillity. This green corridor, with its multiple heritage assets, listed buildings, ancient woodland, rivers, scheduled ancient monuments, ancient hedgerows, historic villages, battlefield site, foot paths, bridleways and nearby vibrant market town & Shropshire Union Canal, makes up a significant part of Shropshire’s natural and historic environment.

Pristine uninterrupted greenfield land should be celebrated, cherished and preserved for many reasons, not least for the future generations to enjoy.

The proposed development site sits above a principle aquifer from which Severn Trent draws its drinking water resources. The site also slopes towards a tributary to the Tern River. 32,000 hens would cause the land to be compacted and pollution caused from run off from hen excrement could lead to contamination of the watercourse.

As well as the proposed development posing a HUGE visual intrusion, it also poses ten threats to the community, they are:

TRAFFIC DANGER- traffic has already reached danger level on our narrow approach roads. The Betton approach is also a school/nursery run and the increased traffic, including HGV and other heavy vehicles, will prove the tipping point in unacceptable risks.

STENCH/FLIES - from 2 tonnes/day of excrement, which will carry in the prevailing wind (SW) along Main Road.

ENTRAPMENT - For those unfortunate families close to the site, there is no escape. If you are driven to move, who will buy your house?

RIVER POLLUTION - Contamination of the river located very close to the site due to surface water run off pollutants.

HERITAGE - The proposed development is close/in line of sight to many Listed Properties, ancient woodland and heritage assets, plus, very close to a beautiful bridleway and footpaths.

HABITAT LOSS – Ripping out ancient hedge row and replacing green meadow with concrete, adjacent to existing habitats such as active badger setts, would deplete local wildlife populations.

DEVASTATION - Betton is the attractive gateway to Norton, Best Kept Village and Champion of Champions, Britain in Bloom. The spoiling of this beautiful greenfield site will make a mockery of all the outstanding village work over many years.

MISSION CREEP - This application is the advance guard for a much bigger plan. One unit of 32,000 birds is scarcely viable. Don’t be deceived by this Trojan Horse – 65% of all egg-laying applications in Shropshire are for expansion of facilities.

CONSTRUCTION - Concrete access road, turning circle, barn, feed silo, earth moving, light pollution etc

EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS - There are none. Poultry facilities are not labour intensive - they are hen intensive. (32000 hens =1 ½ people).
Reasons why this planning proposal should be refused:

- Negative visual impact
- Air and river ammonia pollution
-Habitat Loss
- Odour, flies and noise
-Negative impact on wildlife habitats such as otters, badgers, bats and owls who live nearby
-Danger from HGVs vehicles/tractors on the roads
-Not a diversification for an existing farm
-Not being located next to existing farm buildings

Market Drayton TF9

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2019-04-15 07:00:32 +0100

500 signatures reached

2019-03-21 22:14:44 +0000

100 signatures reached

2019-03-21 14:19:28 +0000

50 signatures reached

2019-03-21 09:28:30 +0000

25 signatures reached

2019-03-21 04:40:47 +0000

10 signatures reached