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To: Whiteinch and Scotstoun Housing Association

Rehouse Siohbon Carey who has Epilepsy

I call on Whiteinch and Scotstoun Housing Association to take action and rehouse this vulnerable young lady Siohbon Carey to a suitable house on ground floor level that is free from vermin and suitable for her needs.

Why is this important?

Siohbon Carey is a young lady with severe Epilepsy that causes her to be in Todd's paralysis a stroke like state after a seizure that can be exacerbated through stress. Siohbon at the moment is living in an upstairs flat that is totally unsuitable for her needs. Her home for months has been infested with Rats, Bluebottles and Maggots and these facts alone haven't compelled the housing to move her to somewhere suitable for her needs.
Siohbon's case was highlighted in the Glasgow Evening Times:


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2018-01-26 16:28:32 +0000

25 signatures reached

2018-01-26 14:41:45 +0000

10 signatures reached