1,000 signatures reached
To: The Labour Party
Reinstate Deborah Hopkins as Parliamentary Candidate for Labour

We request that Deborah Hopkins' suspension from The Labour Party be reconsidered and and that her position as Parliamentary Candidate for Labour in Newquay and St Austell be restored, with a full apology to her.
Why is this important?
Ms Hopkins' refreshing and blunt honesty about how the poor and disabled people of our great country is an eye opener, all she has done is speak the truth, and honesty is sorely lacking in the House of Commons. Labour needs people of this calibre who will fight tooth and nail for what they believe in, who hold issues passionately close to their heart and are not afraid to voice them as loudly as possible. We need more people like Deborah in Parliament, Representatives who place the needs and suffering of their constituents before personal ambition and greed.
Backstory - http://www.cornishguardian.co.uk/Labour-axes-St-Austell-Newquay-MP-candidate/story-20953255-detail/story.html
Backstory - http://www.cornishguardian.co.uk/Labour-axes-St-Austell-Newquay-MP-candidate/story-20953255-detail/story.html