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To: UK Government Environment Minister Right Hon. Theresa Villiers DEFRA

Reinstate the ban of Metaldehyde Slug pellets

To ban the sale and use of Slug Pellets that are manufactured containing Metaldehyde that are harmful to the Brititish Wildlife that is used for killing Slugs and Snails.

Why is this important?

These slug pellets are responsible for killing Hedgehogs, Birds, Dogs, Cats and many other animals that have ingested the dead slugs that have been killed by these pellets. An example of the consequences of the use of these slug pellets can be found here.

These are innocent victims from the use of these pellets, and this type of toxin should not be used if it kills other innocent wildlife that comes in contact with these pellets.

The animals, hedgehogs birds etc. suffer an agonising death as this toxin causes liver and kidney failure, it attacks the nervous system and other vital organs. I myself have had to euthanise hedgehogs that have been brought into our care suffering this poison, of which is distressing as they cannot be treated.

The Right Hon Michael Gove former Environment Minister banned the use of these slug pellets, which following a successful legal challenge by Chiltern Farm Chemicals has now been overruled.

Much of the British Wildlife is endangered now, with hedgehog numbers diminished to under a million. It is estimated that between 5 and 10 years the British Hedgehog will become extinct.

I do not understand why anyone would want to kill the gardner’s best friend an animal that eats much of the pests that cause harm and damage to arable crops and gardens.

Metaldehyde is extremely toxic and is extremely harmful to other animals apart from slugs and snails. Morally a toxin that kills slugs and snails without harming other animals should only be used. Metaldehyde is a toxin that has been around for 40 + years now. Surely now there are more up to date methods of keeping slugs and snails away from crops and gardens.
It also is possible that Metaldehyde is responsible for the drastically diminishing population of hedgehogs although nothing has been proven, but statistics also indicate a rapid decline of hedgehogs over the last 40 years.

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2019-08-12 11:24:07 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-08-11 16:35:42 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-08-11 09:23:21 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-08-11 04:14:28 +0100

10 signatures reached